i have lately been on a "signature binge", meaning that i have been trying out new things with my characters and their signatures, and so far i have completed hanna's.
okay so you are probably like: where does the "request" come in? well i am willing (for a small fee, not really) to create a signature for your character. all i need is your time to fill out a few things.
The claim of your character: (meaning who portrays your character)
Colors: (what specific colors would you like in your signature)
Any special quotes?: (basically what it says)
-this is all i need to create a signature for your character. if you choose to to request a sig, please keep in mind that it takes time. (normally i spit these out in a few hours but it should be no more than two days.)
*sidenote: if you want for me to just surprise you just post "wildcard" and fill out the claim part of the request.*
The claim of your character: (meaning who portrays your character): Luke Treadaway
Colors: (what specific colors would you like in your signature): umm dark?
Any special quotes?: (basically what it says): no
"Only the seeds that in life we have sown, these will pass onwards when we are forgotten, only remembered for what we have done" - Only Remembered - War Horse
yours is nice though, but hmm idk, maybe something dealing with her personality? maybe that will help, like do you know what you are looking for overall with the tagline like pointing at her profession?