this is just a general thread to remind all those without skill-points added to their profiles, to please tell a member of staff immediately and a skill-point thread will be created for you and also, the skill-points will be added to your mini-profile.
It is essential you have these added to your profiles immediately! Skill-points can have a big impact on how you perform during battle and your set abilities during conflict. Everyone is entitled to these skill-points and are automatically created during the birth of your character/s.
However, older members haven't been privy to this happening, due to this being a recent update and if we have missed anyone, please let us know!
If you have any other questions in regard to the skill-points, chatter away below, this is just a general thread to remind people the importance of having the skill-points stitched to your profiles. ~Danny
Modded Deaths: 87 (Including Epic Battles) / Modded P.O.Ws/MIAs: 6 *YouTube Channel* Click if you dare...
I'm confused. It looks as though I created the skill-point thread and your character does have his skill-points added to his mini-profile. Nobody has updated them yet with the skill-points you've requested however, which I'll do now for you.