Like the title says I'm going to be gone from the 23rd until the 28th this month. I'll be leaving tomorrow (darn it's today now) in about 17 hours or so.
I'll be spending Christmas with my sisters and extended family.
I'll be celebrating with my pa in January to make up for not being able to see him on christmas.
I be back! I was supposed to be back on the 26th, got delayed, got back the 28th and just got my computer working and firefox downloaded today. And I think I met Heiko. He's black, goes by the name Lex, is from Liberia, and stabbed me in the hand on the 26th.
Yup. That's right. I. Got. Stabbed.
It bled a lot at first but then it didn't, and my whole hand was numb. Now the whole middle of my hand, from the middle knuckle to the wrist, is all screwed up. Feels weird using it now, like when playing the keyboard, or using a mouse.
Other than that had a great time. Listened to some Jonny Craig, whupped some jazz in Black Ops. Played some RUSE. Chilled with the family. Gonna buy me a 360 in a few days, as well as a few games. Chilled with my homie Black James who showed me some pics taken when he gave words at Chris Henry's funeral.
I've found a possible job down here working at Outdoor Venture assembling tents. Gotta make the paper so I can buy me a freakin' awesome gaming comp.