Is there any way possable to train up your soldiers outside a battle? I read though Vittoir's "Assault Course" thread in the Axis military area and it got me wondering if his men could actualy gain something by running the course? If the Mod decides at the last post that the thread was good enough, could the soldiers who took part in the thread gain something from it rather then the memeber gaining CP?
Or, could something like the Certifications be worked out for the NPC's? In that you pay a fee to a mod who writes up a test course depending on what you want your troops to be trained in? Then a thread is started and the Member takes his soldiers though it and depending on how well they do, they become better trained in a certian area of combat, such as suppressive fire, assaulting, CQC, Machinegunning, and so on. But each squad can only be trained in one area and said squad gaines a bonous in that area during battle?
(p.s Rather then starting a whole new thread for this question, How do you make a whole Link into just one word?
Okay, this idea is basically leaning towards the "no".
Firstly, how do the staff keep a note of who's actually qualified and who's not? You can use neutral threads as leverage towards promotions (see Steven Colly) but that's about it.
As with giving a squad a qualification, what would happen as NPCs are killed? Eventually you would have 8 men that had never done the course trying to be passed off as qualified. At the end of the day, though, it would just be a nighmare trying to keep track of this.
And then we have our Special NPC's. We have specialists for machine-gunner (ie, machinegunners), CQB (the British SAS units), assaulting (the US BTB units) just to name a few.
But those already specified units are for those nations only, there's no CQC and assaulting units for the other teams, the upgraded units could have a small icon next to their name and if they die well tough luck, any new soldiers would have to go through the training to get the bonus, otherwise their just normal troops.
The bonus wouldnt be much, just something like extra ammo for suppressive teams, better hand to hand and melee for the CQC and faster movement and toughness for the assault troops, just for examples. These units wouldnt be the equil of the SAS units (Far from it) but they would be a little better then standard troops, not elites just..... better.
And as far as promotions go they should only be earnt in battle, anyone trying to use a training thread for a cheap promo should be ashamed.
It's a great idea, I wouldn't doubt that, but you have so many flaws in how these "qualified" NPCs would be tracked and the boresome trudge of going through training them. Asides those factors, as Nathan mentioned, we do have specialist NPC units and just to clarify, those nationalities that don't have any real proper assault or AT special units, we're currently near the end of completing a small NPC unit update for nationalities to have more assault and AT NPC units.
As you mentioned Seejay, these trained units you're conveying in your suggestion would just be hard to keep track off and like many NPCs, they come and go very easily during a battle. So at the end of battle, you could have one single NPC unit left that's trained and then you'll have to go train another whole squad or platoon.
Again, it's not that it can't be done, but it requires a lot of attention and work. For the better factor, if it helps, NCOs and COs provide NPCs under their command with a morale bonus, that effectively boosts their performance during battle, compared to a squad of privates on their own attempting to fight in a battle.
So there's plenty of other ways we've attempted to fulfill the NPC qualities, without needing to go through the whole ordeal of having training courses and special tags for them. Its these things that make it far more harder to keep track off and takes up a lot of time just to train them. ~Danny
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