My newly created pilot is looking for some threads to get into, so if anyone is interested and looking for threads, drop me a PM! I don't have anything specific planned for him yet, so I'm quite open for suggestions.
Some things about the character:
- Fighter pilot in the Luftwaffe, lawyer by trade and also a baron. - In his thirties around 1944. - Quite arrogant, unpredictable, has little tolerance for stupidity. - At first, can appear as almost impossible to come in terms with, but depending on the person he meets, isn't as horrible as he at first might seem. - Has some slightly eccentric habits, like driving to places on a very noisy old motorcycle called Mitzi. - Quite spoiled as a child, which has carried on to his adulthood and he enjoys luxury and does not easily consider other people being anywhere near equal to him. - He likes horsies and hunting and is very adventurous.
Anything along the lines "meeting a new person and getting over the I'm So Awesome -phase until they become friends" or "becoming mortal enemies" would be quite fine with me. Could be just one separate thread or even plotting something that might span over several threads.
If you are interested in RP'ing with this character and have some other ideas, let me know!