As you may’ve already noticed from the in-shop menu, you may also buy Medical Kits, certain types of Clothing and special weaponry (That have a limit to how many times they may be used).
The simple rule to using these special items is very crucial, yet very simple, so please make sure you amend these following adjustments to your post when using these special equipment pieces, carefully!
How to Use Your Special Equipment[/b]
[li]Medical Items may only be used the once and you may only buy ONE at a time.
[/li][li] When using your special equipment (Medical Kit, Bazooka Round, etc), you must include a rough template of the following at the TOP or BOTTOM of your post;
*Using Medical Kit to Bandage wounds made by enemy*
---- Then your post ----
[/li][li] Once you have used the equipment, the staff member will then remove the icon of that equipment from your inventory (Mini-Profile), until you buy another. [/li][/ul]
Hopefully those steps sound very simple and easy to follow, if you have any questions or comments, please post them below!
Thank you, ~Danny
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