Hey guys, I was wondering, is anyone on the board with Xbox Live? I’d be more than happy to play a game with you guys at some point, if you have!
Also, I’ll make a list (below) of user’s with their Xbox Live Gamer-Card Ids, so everyone can add one another, a better means of getting to know each other.
Xbox Live Users!
[/u] [li]PuNk (Admin) ~ Dannyboy999 [/li][li]Seejay ~ Xmez the Mad (Currently Not-Connected) [/li][li]McMillan ~ K00R0GI [/li][li]Johnson ~ Kommando of Tot [/li][li]DBev ~ LLOFRUDD [/li][li]Martin ~ Axis177 [/li][li]Eli ~ vickytremorrr
I must have a few friend requests pending then, I haven't been on the XBOX in ages. :[ I'll accept you as soon as I go on it; Whenever that is. Lol. ~ Danny
Axis177 my Xbox isn't connected yet, but when it is, I'll gladly hand your [insert dismembered body part here] to your mom after you get pwnzorzed on CoD4