The beast reeled backwards, letting out a yelp as the French woman fell back. Hans smiled sinisterly as the rifle is his hand smoked. He pulled the wounded soldier to soldier to his feet, he looked a bit troubled.
Hans felt the small sting of a leather gloved hand smacking the back of his head.
"Und wie ich in meiner Anmerkung sagte, 'HALTEN SIE IHRE AUGEN OPEN'. Wir haben eine Geschichte des Fräuleins Rousseau gehabt, Mühe zu verursachen! Ich soll Sie von Ihrem Rang für Ihre Dummheit, Sie abstreifen lassen arrogant wenig - "
Hans looked at the SS gaurd with a mixture of hate and embarresment. Stupid SS, always thinking they are better than there army Kameraden. Hans was cut off from his thoughts as a savage growl erupted from the cage. The SS gaurd scrambled as fast as he could from the cell. Coward.
The injured soldier made a run for the medical block, but Hans lingered in the cage a bit longer, just to try to comprehend the giant Frenchwoman. But he soon walked off, eager to get out of the SS camp.